Oftentimes a line is drawn between work and fun. At Mid-States Utility we like to blur those lines every now and then. We have several different activities, parties and other events to add positive energy into the workplace such as our annual holiday parties, customer and employee appreciation luncheons, and even prize drawings. This year we had a fantastic opportunity to try something new to offer both a number of employees as well as an even larger number of our customers.

Before the Nebraska Huskers took a 13 – 10 victory over the Northwestern Wildcats several of our Omaha branch representatives such as Mark Golden, Jennifer Blum, Mike Davis, and Jim Hansen along with Sioux City branch representative Mike Wooster were entertaining guests at the Ironhorse Private Event Building with food and drinks catered by Doorstep Diner. They had an absolute blast meeting with many of their customers in the surrounding Nebraska area before heading off to the game.

From Left to Right (Mark Golden, Jennifer Blum, Jim Hansen)

Mid-States gladly provided tickets to the game for all their guests and it was a fantastic turnout with nearly 40 guests to join them in cheering on the Huskers. The day was beautiful, and the game was thrilling. All-in-all it was a fantastic day for both employees of Mid-States and guests alike. We thank everyone involved in the planning and preparing of the event as well as all those who were able to attend and enjoy it with us!